Welcome Bruna!
Bruna Rodrigues from University of York (UK) has joined our group as a summer student, and will work together with Stefan on ICR regulation. Welcome to the group!
Bruna Rodrigues from University of York (UK) has joined our group as a summer student, and will work together with Stefan on ICR regulation. Welcome to the group!
from a recently-released Springer book on CpG Islands (Methods and Protocols)
We are happy to announce that Dr. Izaskun Mallona has joined our and Mark Robinson’s group as a shared computational postdoc.
Izaskun obtained a PhD in genetics from the University of Cartagena (Spain) and a BSc in computer engineering from the University of Catalonia (Spain). Previously Izaskun was a computational biologist in the group of Dr. Miguel Peinado at IMPPC and IGTP in Barcelona working on cancer epigenomics and evolution of repetitive elements.
Welcome Izaskun!
Jahnavi Bhaskaran has joined our group as a MSc student from ETH Zurich.
Welcome onboard!
Here is a nice News and Views by Richard Meehan and Sari Pennings on our recent publication in EMBOJ: Shoring up DNA methylation and H3K27me3 domain demarcation at developmental genes
Ramon Pfändler joined our group for a short research internship and will continue afterwards as a Master student in the Quantitative and Systems Biology program.
Welcome onboard!
We have an open position for a computational postdoc, shared with the Statistical Bioinformatics Group of Mark Robinson at University of Zurich and Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics.
More information here
Isoform‐specific localization of DNMT3A regulates DNA methylation fidelity at bivalent CpG islands
Congratulations to Massimiliano, Joel, Tina, Rodrigo and Bernd (FGCZ)
Colin Rohner joins the group as a master student. Welcome onboard.