Gintare joins us for the summer
Gintare Sendzikaite from Gavin Kelsey’s Lab at The Babraham Institute (Cambridge UK) joins us for the summer months for a lab visit. Great to have you on board, and thanks to the MRC for funding this.
Gintare Sendzikaite from Gavin Kelsey’s Lab at The Babraham Institute (Cambridge UK) joins us for the summer months for a lab visit. Great to have you on board, and thanks to the MRC for funding this.
Tuncay received The Georg Friedrich Götz-Award 2018. The prize is awarded for outstanding contributions in the field of biomedical research.
Read more about it here
Davide Recchia joined us for his PhD studies. Davide studied biology at the University of South Carolina and did his Masters in Nadine Vastenouv’s Lab at the MPI-CRG Dresden, working on zygotic genome activation in zebrafish.
Welcome Davide!