Welcome Jente

Jente van Staalduinen joins our group as a postdoctoral fellow. Jente did his PhD with Frank Grosvelt at ErasmusMC, Rotterdam. He will apply chromatin engineering to study how chromatin is established and maintained.

Group Retreat on Texel (NL)

We had a fantastic trip to Texel enjoying science, biking, hiking, archery and bird watching with the entire group. Thanks to EMBO YIP for supporting our retreat.

Welcome Imane, Lorenza, and Nicola

We have three new MSc students that joined us on various projects in the last 6 months. Imane Chaouch and Lorenza Casasanta join us from Utrecht University, and Nicola Hallmann joins from ETH Zurich. Wellcome to the group, Imane, Lorenza and Nicola!

Welcome Mathilde

We welcome our newest PhD Student, Mathilde Noël! Mathilde studied genetics at the University of Paris Cité then continued her Masters with internships in the labs of Romain Koszul, Alex Stark and Daan Nordermeer. Mathilde will investigate gene control specificity by DNA sequence and chromatin.

Farewell Angela, Amalia and Niklas

We say farewell to our three MSc students that were brave enough to be the first MSc students to join our group in Utrecht. Thank you for all the good work and fun, and we wish you all the best for your future!

Welcome Kristeli!

Kristeli Eleftheriou joins our group as a postdoctoral fellow. Kristeli studied Biology at the University of Athens and obtained her PhD in the lab of Mark Wossidlo at the Medical University of Vienna working on DNA methylation reprogramming and epimutations during early development. Welcome onboard, we are happy to have you here.

Severin Uebbing joins GBE as Assistant Professor

We have a new neighbour! Severin Uebbing joins us from Yale to establish his group at our division. Severin will study how evolutionary changes impact enhancer function using computational and functional genomics. We are very excited to have you here and looking forward to future collaborations.

More information about research in Severin’s Lab can be found HERE